Blogging for Moms

Every day, I receive dozens of personal emails from readers who reach out after going through my tutorial on starting a blog. Sometimes, they need a bit of extra guidance, and other times they just want to express their thanks for the simplicity of my guide.

While I genuinely enjoy hearing from all my readers, I have to admit that one of my favorite types of emails often reads something like this:

Dear Sonia ,

I am a stay at home mom looking for a way to contribute some additional income to my household. I think blogging might be a good way to accomplish this. I stumbled across The Blog Starter guide and it all sounds great, but I am looking for a little help in choosing the right topic for me to write about.

Can you possibly give me some guidance? I am excited to get going and know that I can make this work for me and my family!

Thank you,

Future Mommy Blogger


Wow! Wouldn’t you be excited if you received that email? The writer’s passion and excitement is obvious and comes across in almost every word.

This kind of person really inspires me and is the whole reason that I started The Blog Starter. When I began The Blog Starter, my goal was to help make blogging easier and more accessible for everyday people. That is why I love interacting with aspiring bloggers who are stay at home moms. They truly are some of my most passionate readers, and many of them have gone on to become successful bloggers.

With that in mind, today I am going to dedicate an entire article to why stay at home moms, like the ones who write me emails looking for advice, love blogging so much. In the process, I will review how stay at home moms can generate income from blogging as well as include some information about the amazing online community of mom bloggers and how blogging makes for an ideal outlet for self expression.


Why Blogging Is a Perfect Fit for Stay at Home Moms

First and foremost, the flexibility that comes with blogging is an extremely good fit for stay at home moms and their hectic schedules. Stay at home moms are pulled in a million different directions throughout the day, and sometimes all at once! This means that maintaining a job, even one with working from home flexibility, can be tough thanks to the difficulty with sticking to a rigid schedule.

Blogging solves all of these scheduling issues. You can blog from anywhere in the world at any time. Even the everyday maintenance that comes with a blog is rarely urgent. While I always encourage my readers to stay active with their blog and produce as much quality content as they possibly can with consistent updates, as a blogger there is nothing wrong with taking a day off every once in a while as needed.

Best of all, stay at home moms who blog often find that they have a built in audience: other stay at home moms! Being a stay at home mom is truly a unique life experience as well, and the perspective that comes along with that is valued across the internet.

Of course, there are plenty of topics that a stay at home mom can blog about other than her family. I have worked with stay at home moms who have launched blogs about food, martial advice, celebrity gossip and a large range of other topics. Put simply, choosing what your blog is about is entirely up to you. Read on to learn more about how you can express yourself with a blog.


Blogging For Self Expression

One thing I hear over and over again from my readers who are stay at home moms is how useful blogging can be as a way to express themselves. This is no surprise, considering that blogging was originally started as a way for people to simply keep an online record of their lives.

Stay at home moms often spend a lot of their day communicating with and caring for their kids, so blogging can be a welcome escape back into the adult world. Blogging helps connect you with people, both nearby and from across the world, who are interested in the same things you are. In fact, many bloggers end up forging meaningful connections with both their readers and with other bloggers.

If you are interested in making your voice heard, whether it is on topics like politics and religion or just sharing some fun stories from your home life, then I would definitely give blogging a shot. Even better, a blog that you create is completely yours and you do not need to worry about impressing anyone else with your site.

Even better, blogging also comes with the potential for generating income that can be a meaningful addition for any household. Keep reading to learn more about how you can make money from blogging.


How Stay at Home Moms Can Make Real Money From Blogging

If you want to learn more about how to generate income from a blog, I recommend reviewing step #7 of my blogging guide which shows you how to make money from your blog. That guide has comprehensive details to walk you through how to get set up with Google’s AdSense program and begin making advertising revenue from your blog right away.

Ultimately, the key to success in generating income from your blog as a stay at home mom is to build up the largest audience that you possibly can. There are a number of good ways to do this, including optimizing your site to ensure it shows up as high as possible in Google search results and reaching out to other bloggers to coordinate a “link exchange” where you exchange a link to their blog on yours in order to have them do the same. This then helps to build an audience for both blogs.

One of the most common questions I receive is “How much money can I really make from blogging?” The answer truly is “It depends.” It depends how much time and energy you are willing to invest into your blogging. It depends how much your words and other content connect with readers. And sometimes it depends on being discovered in the right way that helps you develop an audience.

Sometimes readers can feel a bit overwhelmed by this process of building a readership, and it might even seem like a lot of work. Ultimately the best way to grow the amount of money your blog generates is simply to create the best content you can. Creating blogs that people are interested in discussing and sharing with others is the “hard” part, but the good news is that it is also the fun part!

This is also why I recommend that my readers choose a topic that they are passionate about when they go to start their blog. If you choose to write about something that is important to you then you are much more likely to stick with it and to enjoy the process of growing your blog from the ground up.


The Mom Blogger Community

Another amazing benefit of starting a blog as a stay at home mom is the robust mom blogger community that already exists online. While there are a number of excellent resources just a quick Google search away, I would absolutely recommend that any new mom blogger joins whichever site fits best with their personality.

Forums like Mom Bloggers Club are full of people just like you giving each other advice, support and all sort of other helpful tips. In fact, this can be a great way to foster an initial audience for your blog, as well as a place to get firsthand advice from bloggers just like you who are already successful.

The sense of community among mom bloggers is unlike almost any other part of the internet. This community helps even shy beginners find a place to connect with other bloggers and get their blogging career off on the right track. It also helps give you a place to get questions answered, from basic questions like which plugins to use to more complicated questions like how to promote your blog.

Hopefully this article has helped to show why the mom blogger community is so special. If this article has inspired you to make a blog of your own, I would recommend first reviewing step #1 of my guide to blogging. If a website is more up your alley, then check out my guide to making a WordPress website or my website builder reviews.

And of course, you can always reach out to me for help! I love to hear from all my readers, especially from moms with a passion for blogging.